Ube cake cannabis strain

Ice Cream Cake Cannabis Strain/ Buy Birthday Cake Strain.

Birthday Cake Strain, also known as Wedding Cake or just Birthday Cake, is an indica-dominant hybrid with strong body effects and sweet cake-like flavor. As decadent as its Girl Scout Cookies and Cherry Pie parent strains, Birthday Cake Kush buds bloom with a crystalline icing of THC-rich resin. Like any dessert, Birthday Cake Kush is the perfect way to end your day, with deeply relaxing effects that soothe the body without sedating the mind. This strain is preferred by patients treating pain, anxiety, appetite loss, inflammation, and headaches.

Medical marijuana and cannabis recreation

Aroma and taste The smell of birthday cake strain resembles that smell of vanilla accompanied by a small taste of the blend of lemon and orange. If you have smoked Girl Scout cookies before then, you’ll probably get the smell of cookie when you pop open the jar.

Type of High

B-Cake cannabis strain can fill your entire body with a lot of positive vibes and raise your mood. If you have mental stress, then you should use this strain to keep your mind at ease. Ice Cream Cake Cannabis Strain.

Medicinal Benefits

Medical cannabis patients will find birthday cake cannabis strain very useful. This strain can help people suffering from ailments such as stress, anxiety, and depression by making them feel more motivated. While B-day cake cannabis strain can make users lucid and level headed, it also can make users more focused on specific tasks. Furthermore, this strain can bring the feeling of physical relaxation, provide relief from chronic pains and help with insomnia. Additionally, this strain can stimulate the appetite for patients.

Possible Side Effects

Similar to other strains, birthday cakes cannabis strain also has some negative symptoms. The consumption of high doses of this strain can lead to dry mouth or red eyes especially if smoked. In some situations, it can lead to increased fear, panic attacks or anxiety when consumed in larger doses.

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